Saturday, April 13, 2013

GeoThermal Heat/Cooling

Jim Rohn, famed philosopher once said, "There are some things you don't have to know how it works. The main thing is that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are picking the fruit. It just depends which end of this you want to get in on."

I have always felt that way about our GeoThermal Heat system. I somehow cannot understand the mechanics of how water, running through pipes, collects heat from the ground, and transfers it to forced air heat for my home.

Then in the summer, the exact opposite occurrs for air conditioning. I even had one of my boys, now an Engineer, Masters of Engineering, mind you. try to explain it to me.

He said to go outside, which we did, in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, the height of sub zero weather. He told me to take off my gloves and grab the wooden porch post, and the arm of a metal porch chair.

He explained..."it is 24 degrees out here, both items are sitting and have been sitting in 24 degree weather for some time now. Which one feels colder?" I said the metal chair. He went on to explain, "that the metal chair is conducting the cold to my hand, whereas the wood porch post is not. And this is how the water collects either the hot or the cold from the earth for your heat system."

OK! I totally trusted him in that explaination. Just so long as my installation engineers understand GeoThermal Heating Systems...I am all ok! After all...I fly in planes, and trust the engineers who made it...oh wait, that is another story..for later