Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Safe and Green

As we get bombarded with products that are not healthy for us, we become more determined to find those items that are green and safe for our environment.

When the time came for me to build another home, due to a lifestyle change and relocation, I decided I wanted to spend more on "green" products than on the sticks and stones of a home.

So to make a long story short, I decided on purchasing a modular, prefab, ok, double wide trailer. It was just what I was looking for...inside walls all drywall, large open plan, sweet new stainless appliances all included, and I could have it constructed such that I could put it over a basement, which was a must in this tornado alley!

One of the "green" products we wanted was a Geo-Thermal heating/cooling system. It was available at the time with a good energy credit, so made it more enticing to purchase.

I love it! With the constant temp, you don't turn heat up and down, it makes for a very comfortable living environment.